Thursday, March 25, 2010

Approved Clifton Heights Neighborhood Association Minutes Febuary 22, 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010


FEBRUARY 22, 2010

The meeting was opened at & PM by President Mike Foster.The pledge of allegiance was said.

The minutes from the Jan. meeting were distributed and read. A motion was made to accept the minutes as presented, seconded and approved. Presidents Report Nothing to report.

Vice presidents report Becky Hughes Still need a volunteer for the Easter Egg hunt on April 3rd. It consists of filling eggs, cleaning the park prior to the hunt and after the hunt and hiding the eggs.

Treasurers report Tiny Schaper The $5,928.86 in our savings account was taken by the IRS as payment for prior fees and late fees. We currently have $1 in savings. The checking account has $2133.07. Judy McNamara requested an accounting of the IRS money and Mike states he will obtain this and present it at the next meeting.

Alderman Vaccaro from the 23rd Ward The Arsenal bridge between Ivanhoe and Jamieson inscheduled to close for repairs on Feb. 25th for approximately 3 months. There will be signs and detours posted and these will be reviewed after 10 days to see if any changes need to be made.

The aldermanic committee is still reviewing ways to meet the decreased budget for the coming year. Epiphany school is scheduled to close at the end of this school year and possibilities for its use are being reviewed.

Officer Veile handed out crime statistics report and stated no new problems in area.

Dianne Rains NSO for the 24th Ward reports that for the months Dec. thru Jan. she made 162 requests for problems noted in her area and 124 were resolved. She reported 51 were in the

Clifton Heights Area. These dealt with many areas such as trash, signage, potholes etc. and were all reported by her.

Fred Kratky reporting for state rep Michelle The House passed an autism insurance bill requiring state-regulated insurance companies to provide coverage. The House continues to work on the decreased budget. He also made a plea to encourage everyone to fill out their census cards since funding for various projects and our amount of representation on state and federal level are gauged by the census.

Old Business Easter Egg Hunt Giselle Coleman volunteered to take charge of the hunt.

Regarding Party in the Park Becky has submitted needed permits and requests for equipment.

New Business

Tom a representative of the St. Louis Track Club proposed that we sponsor a run in partnership with the track club and join the south city series of runs for this year. Our date would be Aug. 21 in the evening. We would split any profits with the track club and our main duties would be with

publicity and help as needed and also to possibly have some kind of food to sell after the race. Ted Drewes and watermelon were suggested. A motion was made that we enter the race. It was seconded and approved.

Ryan Coleman our representative to the housing corporation spoke about meeting with a professor at Wash U who is advising on the set up of the housing corporation. Alderman Waterhouse and Eric Bonner the representative from Hi Pointe were also present. They need to come up with a name and several suggestions were made by members.

Julie Grant-Hurd came to say goodbye to the neighborhood for the present time. She has asked Vicky Wertich to take charge of the neighborhood wide yard sale and Vicky has agreed. Julie will let Martha know that someone will be needed to cover her area for newsletter distribution and someone is needed to place her signs advertising CHNA meetings.

Woody Lange will take names for anyone looking to run for CHNA officer positions. Call or Email him.

The first Coffee in the Park may possibly be April 24th. More info on that next month.

The Amvets continue their breakfasts on the 2nd. Sunday of every month.

Motion made to close the meeting, seconded and approved. The meeting closed at 8PM.

Respectfully submitted

Kathy Migneco secretary

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